Strawberry Shortcake Berry Bitty Wiki

Sadiebug and Kadiebug are two of the minor characters featured in Strawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures.They are two young tween/teen twin ladybugs who are the cousins of Jadeybug. Whenever the twins visit Berry Bitty City, their attitudes and or their actions causes trouble for others. Their appearances in Season 2 have lessened considerably. They only had main roles in two episodes: "Strawberry's House Pest" and "Good Citizens Club".

Kadiebug is voiced by Ingrid Nilson (who also voices Raspberry), and Sadiebug is voiced by Janyse Jaud (who also voices Orange).


Reckless, entitled, rude, and obnoxious, Kadiebug and Sadiebug constantly come and go as they please. They tend to agree on most things, such as what they wish to do, or when making small talk. Despite this, they constantly bicker over the silliest of things! Such as when Kadiebug stole a straw for her drink, which Sadiebug also wanted, which made them begin to fight over it, even though they were told they didn't need straws.

They are rude to each other and also to other people, such as their cousin. They also take advantage of others such as Strawberry. They do not care for the inconvenience they cause to others, as long as they get their way and are happy. They also encourage others to do unruly things such as leading the Berrykins to mess around with Strawberry's cafe while she was gone. It is obvious that due to this, many people either do not like them, or can't tolerate them. One example is when Strawberry told them off for their rudeness and they stormed out, nobody else wanted them to stay with them while visiting. They did learn to improve their manners; however, in their next major appearance, the lesson barely stuck. By the time of their next appearance, most of their reputation had been tarnished. They came offering the berry girls to join their "Good citizens club". The others had been hesitant at first, and even mention that nobody would even let them in their own clubs due to how much they would fight. Upon getting them to agree, the twins instantly used Plum to do things once they realized the latter's pin hadn't been mailed to her. She thought she had to do tasks for them to receive it. But once everyone caught on, they apologized and from then on how become much nicer, and less selfish too.

Despite being twins, they do share minimal differences. Such as both girls supporting someone else when both Strawberry and Orange for the Berrybest Berryfest Princess. During their final appearance in "Lost and Found", they were a lot more kind to the others during a party for them and even brought the snacks while searching for Strawberry's pets.


They are identical twin ladybugs with different coloring in their clothes. Both of them are purple skinned with hair-like markings framing their heads resembling a single curled bang and side parts. They have bright teal colored eyes and their face are light pink in color. Both girls have curled antennae decorated with beads and ribbons.

Sadiebug has a yellow ribbon with green and red beads, while the other has orange ribbon with lilac and yellow beads. Kadiebug has a blue and green bead with pink bow, and light pink bow with purple and yellow bead. For attire, they do not wear shirts, but instead long brightly colored pants with belts and rain weather-like boots and double necklaces with a strawberry emblem in the center and bracelets on their left wrist.

Sadiebug's pants are yellow and orange striped while her belt consist of purple, yellow, green, blue, and pink stripes while the center is orange-red and the circle is purple. Her boots are aqua colored with red bottoms and buttons. Her necklace is purple, on her wrist is an orange wristband, and two thin bracelets, one green and the other purple.

Kadiebug's pants are multiple shades of purple-pink while her belt consist of yellow, pink, teal, and purple, the middle is green while the circle is red. Her boots are pink while the bottoms and buttons are red. Her necklace is white, on her wrist is an green wristband with a purple and blue bracelet.

For winter, Kadiebug wears pink earmuffs while Sadiebug wears light blue. Both being on a green band.

For the Glimmerberry Ball, Kadiebug wore a light purple shirt with puffed blue sleeves and lilac polkadots, along with a long orange-yellow skirt and a pink headband with small blue bow. Sadiebug wore an orange top with yellow polkadots and lilac sleeves, her skirt being ivy green and she had a teal headband with pink bow.


  • "We really suck" (at singing)


  • While the beads and ribbons on their antennae remain the same, they often change antennae.
  • Sadiebug (Sadie) and Kadiebug (Kadie) are also the names of two girls who look like twins and are best friends on the Total Drama series. However, unlike the twins, the girls very rarely argue. They both also tend to use similar tones of voice, though Sadie and Katie have much higher tones of voice.
  • In "The Berry Best You Can Bee", it is revealed that Sadiebug's middle name is Ladybird. It's possible that they share middle names due to being twins. Their last name is Berrybeetle.
  • Kadiebug seems to prefer pink, while Sadiebug seems to like green or blue.
  • They can fly, but do that seldom ("Manners Meltdown", "Glimmerberry Ball", "Good Citizens Club").


Strawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures Characters
Main Strawberry ShortcakeLemon MeringueBlueberry MuffinOrange BlossomRaspberry TortePlum PuddingCherry JamHuckleberry PieSweet GrapesSour GrapesApple Dumplin
Pets CustardPupcakeHennaScoutyMarmaladeChiffonPitterpatchCinnapupTom TomTea Time Turtle
Berrykins Princess BerrykinBerrykin BloomBerrykin BruceBerrykin BillBerrykin Ed and Berrykin EarlBerrykin BeckyQueen of Berryvania
Insects Bosley BookwormJadeybugKadiebug and SadiebugMr. LongfaceMavis MaraschinoPostmaster Bumblebee